

Ikebana Photo Contest
《Ohara School 130th Anniversary》
Theme: “Celebratory Flowers” – Now Accepting Entries!


In 2025, Ohara-ryu Soka magazine will host a special Ikebana Photo Contest to commemorate its 130th anniversary!
We invite photo submissions of Ikebana works based on the theme “Celebratory Flowers” in honor of this milestone. Express the joy you feel when working with flowers and the special moments you have experienced through Ikebana by creating a floral celebration. There are no restrictions on style—let your creativity bloom! We look forward to your entries!

審査のポイント-Judging Criteria

Expression of a celebratory spirit for the 130th anniversary.
A short description of the submitted work will also be considered.

小原流を学んでいる方 子ども教室や学生、学び始めた方も大歓迎です

Open to all Ohara School members, including children’s classes, students, and beginners.

応募締切-Entry Deadline

Friday, June 20, 2025

◆発表-Announcement of Winners

Published in the September 2025 issue of “Ohara-ryu Soka”

小原宏貴家元 小原規容子理事長

Hiroki Ohara, Headmaster
Kiyoko Ohara, Chairman of the Board

A)四級家元教授以下の部 B)三級家元教授以上の部

A) 4th Term Master and below
B) 3rd Term Master and above
*Group entries are allowed in both categories. Please list all members and submit through a representative.
*Please specify the category when submitting your application.

応募方法-How to enter

◇If you entry by instagram
(1) Search for and follow Instagram account “@ohararyusoka”
(2) Take photos using your smartphone or tablet.
(3) Submit photos with two hashtags, “#Celebratory Flowers” and “#sokacontest2025”
*Please specify the category when submitting your application.Notes for entering
●Set your camera image quality to high resolution.
●If spaces are used within the hashtags, they will not be recognized as the same hashtags as those above.
●Save a copy of the original image on your personal device at the time of shooting.
●Winners are required to submit high-resolution image data. At the time of entry, your name and contact information are not required.
Winners will be notified by direct message on Instagram around July.
Turn on your device's Instagram notifications.
If you do not respond within 10 days after the notification, your entry will be disqualified.

写真データ(5MB 以内、JPEG 形式)を添付し、本文に[氏名、住所、電話番号、作品へのコメント、部門]を記入して送付。
◇If you entry by email
Attach the photo data (JPEG format, within 5MB) and write your name, address, phone number, comments on your work, the category in the body of the email.

◆注意-Entry Guidelines

●Each participant (or group) may submit up to three entries.
●The work and photography must be done by the applicant.
●Only unpublished works are eligible. Simultaneous submission to other contests is not allowed.
●Submitting participants agree that winning entries published in “Ohara-ryu Soka” may be used by the Ohara School in publications, advertisements, promotional materials, exhibitions, and on the official website without compensation, with credit given.


107-8607 東京都港区南青山5-7-17 Mail [email protected] Tel 03-3499-1203

contact info for inquiries:
Editorial Department (Henshu), Ohara School of Ikebana
Mail: [email protected] 
Instagram @ohararyusoka
